Virtual 140.6 Ride-Run-Swim & 50 Mile Hike/Walk/Run
For Hunger Relief in Appalachia
Appalachian Hunger Relief
Food insecurity during this pandemic is intensified for Appalachian communities and others. Many of these communities are located in food deserts. The pandemic has increased the demand on food pantries and school feeding programs, distribution has become more complicated, and finding enough workers is challenging since many of the volunteers are of retirement age and more vulnerable to the effects of the virus.
All of the proceeds from this walk-run-ride-swim will be used to provide hunger relief in Appalachia. For example, some of the proceeds will go to Pine Knot Elementary School, Family Resource Center for assisting the most vulnerable families and those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity in the tri county persistent poverty areas of Whitley, Knox, and Laurel in Kentucky.