Staff & Leadership
Robert Fox, Jr.
Bob Fox is a native Kentuckian and life-long part of the Baptist tradition. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, his family moved to California shortly after his arrival for five years before returning to the Commonwealth. He is a product of the Jefferson County Public Schools, graduating from Louisville Central High School. Following the example of his parents, he attended Centre College in Danville graduating with honors. He graduated from Southern Seminary with an M.Div. in the last class whose diplomas were signed by Roy Honeycutt. Having deeply planted his roots in the Baptist tradition, he attended Vanderbilt University where he was granted an MA and exposure to the richness of the broader Christian tradition.
Bob grew up in St. Matthews Baptist Church in Louisville. He was baptized there at age 12. It was the influence of his experiences there that led him to sense a call to ministry as he went through high school. While at Centre, he attended his Mother’s family church, Lexington Avenue Baptist. During his junior and senior years of college, he served as Lexington Avenue Baptist Church’s youth minister. His first pastorate was in Ohio County in the small farming community of Matanzas. While there, he led the West Point Baptist Church to affiliate with the newly formed Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and served as a part of the group who founded the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship which would become CBF Kentucky. After eight years in Western Kentucky, he was called as pastor of the First Baptist Church, South Boston, VA serving for five years. In Virginia, he was a member of the CBF Virginia coordinating council. It was the answer to prayer when he was called back to Kentucky to Faith Baptist Church in Georgetown where he has been the pastor for the past sixteen years. During this time, he has been active in KBF/CBF Kentucky serving as moderator and in other areas of leadership.
Bob’s wife, Janet, has multiple advanced degrees in counseling and education. She is currently the Counselor at Scott County High School. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Bob enjoys all sorts of reading and has special interest in J.R.R. Tolkien, Frederick Buechner and William Faulkner. While not an athlete, he enjoys basketball, running and golf. Bob is a big fan of all things Disney.
He enjoys travel and binge watching his favorite shows on Netflix.
Peggy Foskett
Administrative Assistant
Peggy is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, and studied at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has a wealth of experience in Baptist life, including serving with the Home Mission Board in Church Planting in Nevada, serving several churches as Minister of Children; and working as the Faculty Secretary for 17 professors at Southern Seminary. She served as Minister of Children at Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty, and as an educator in Jefferson County Public Schools, in Louisville, from which she has retired.
Peggy and her husband, Earle, have two grown children, and two grandchildren. She is currently a member of Buechel Park Baptist Church in Louisville.
Jenni Summers Shannon
Social Media Associate
Jenni is a Kentucky native, calling Greenville and Frankfort both “home” throughout her childhood and youth. She is a graduate of Georgetown College with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. She received her Masters from the University of the Cumberlands for Teacher Leadership.
In addition to her work with CBFKY, she is a First Grade Teacher at Williamsburg City School and mom to three amazing kiddos (Crosley-7, Asher & Henry-4). Her husband, Jeremy, is pastor of First Baptist Church Williamsburg and also currently chairs the CBFKY Missions Workgroup. When she’s not working, Jenni enjoys quilting, eating french fries, and sneaking in naps whenever possible.
Those who serve in leadership positions with CBF Kentucky are nominated to serve by partner churches and individuals. The past moderator of the CBF Kentucky enlists these people to serve and they are elected by the voting body at the annual Spring Gathering of CBF Kentucky.
The Coordinating Council meets three times a year; March, CBF Kentucky Spring Gathering (April) and August. Additional meetings for work groups are held separately in person or by conference call.
Moderator: Tim Hargrove (Laity, Middletown)
Moderator-Elect: Alex Lockridge, (Clergy, Corbin)
Past Moderator: Sharon Felton (Clergy, Georgetown)
Secretary: Beth Parker (Clergy, Middlesboro)
Treasurer: Robert Davis (Clergy, Louisville)
Administrative Chair: Tim Hobbs (Clergy, Henderson)
Missions Chairs: Jeremy Shannon (Clergy, Williamsburg)
Ministries Chair: Tim Schindler (Clergy, Georgetown)
Alex Lockridge, CHAIR (Clergy, Corbin, Moderator Elect, 2026)
Bennye Middleton, (Laity, Louisville, 2023)
Beth Parker, (Clergy, Middlesboro, Secretary)
Derek Cain, (Clergy, Morgantown, 2026)
Dwayne Howell, (Clergy, Campbellsville, Moderator, 2023)
Joe Early, (Laity, Campbellsville, 2023)
Kimbrough Simmons, (Clergy, Guthrie, 2026)
Robert Davis, (Clergy, Louisville, Treasurer)
Sharon Felton, (Clergy, Georgetown, Past Moderator, 2024)
Tim Hargrove, (Laity, Louisville, Moderator)
Tim Hobbs, (Clergy, Henderson, Chair)
Zachary Bay, (Clergy, Middlesboro, 2025)
Jeremy Shannon, CHAIR (Clergy, Williamsburg, 2024)
Bob Browning (Clergy, Frankfort, 2025)
Michelle Carroll (Clergy, Frankfort, 2025)
Jica Crafton (Laity, Henderson, 2024)
Melody Graham (Laity, Morehead, 2025)
Jim Holladay (Clergy, Louisville, 2024)
Maria Lockridge (Laity, Corbin, 2025)
Callie Minks (Laity, Danville, 2023)
Pat Ramey (Laity, Williamsburg, 2023)
Micah Spicer (Clergy, Owensboro, 2026)
Susan Harmon Jones (Laity, Louisville, 2026)
Tim Schindler, CHAIR (Clergy, Georgetown, 2024)
Carrie Bearden (Laity, Louisville, 2024, Assistant Treasurer )
Jordan Conley (Laity, Louisville, 2025)
Sharon Davis (Laity, Louisville, 2023)
Jolene Lord (Laity, Bowling Green, 2023)
Joyce Oliver (Clergy, Louisville, 2024)
Elizabeth Reese (Laity, Corbin, 2024)
Mary Wrye (Clergy, Henderson, 2024)
Kathy Thompson (Laity, Elizabethtown, 2026)
David Platt (Clergy, Louisville, 2026)
CBF Kentucky members serving in leadership positions for CBF Global are:
Missions Council
Sharon Felton (Clergy, Faith Baptist, Georgetown)
Nominating Council
Jessica Jasper (Clergy, Living Faith Baptist Church, Elizabethtown)